Most people think personal income tax is simple and all that is required is the completion of certain forms (namely the personal tax return). This is simply not true. In Canada, income tax laws are governed by a very complex piece of legislation referred to as the Income Tax Act of Canada. Few know how to work effectively within the rules of the Tax Act – or in other words, use the tax laws to lower personal income tax expenses.

As Chartered Professional Accountants with extensive experience in the area of personal income tax, we will effectively plan and prepare your tax work to minimize your income tax expense both now and in the future. Tax planning is more of an art than a science and we take great pride in being known by our clients as premier and highly qualified tax professionals.

We sign off on your tax return so the Canada Revenue Agency (the CRA) knows we are associated with your tax work. If you encounter an audit by the CRA, we will represent you and ensure the CRA treats you fairly. You can sleep at night knowing your tax was done by Chartered Accountants, the most qualified accountants in the market place dealing with tax related matters.